The last few weeks, G has had some very groggy mornings and/or inexplicable behavior. So last week I delayed the morning dose of the anti-anxiety med from first thing in the morning to breakfast time, and that helped with some of the behavior problems. When he was put on this med in April because of extreme restlessness, we were told the condition could eventually go away, or it might be a new, permanent (and unwelcome) feature.
Friday I talked to the psychiatrist who had set the dose and schedule and told him I thought G might now be getting more of the drug than he needs, and is this possible? Yes, it's possible. So yesterday I stopped giving him the morning dose. No negative repercussions, and more alertness than in the last few weeks. Same thing today. The psychiatrist said a couple of days will tell if that's OK or not.
We'll stick with this for another week just to be sure and then think about whether one of the other 3 doses can be reduced or eliminated.
(Oh - and the picture has nothing to do with this topic. I just bought these stamps at the post office and really love the way they look. Very serene. Not at all restless. Wait. Maybe there is a connection.)
I hope this is good news for both of you. And, yeah, Edward Hopper is a superb artist. I'm looking at a book of watercolors today to help me with my work.