Monday, March 31, 2008

What's in bloom

...not much.

It's still pretty brown and gray around here.

But -

The snowdrops are coming along.
Galanthus woronowii

And one I'd forgotten about

Winter aconite
Eranthis cilicica
Where are the other 10 bulbs I planted?
These two tiny blooms are all by themselves!

Here's another that surprises me each year -
they come up after the snowdrops
and are just barely starting to bloom.

White scilla (they're actually very pale blue)
Alba Scilla

The pansies survived the snow last week.

Still on the lookout for our crocuses.


  1. Heaven!

    Do you think your handyman would make housecalls to Australia!?

  2. oh just lovely, I've never seen winter aconites or the white scilla before, they're so delicate .

  3. Lucky you! We are still frozen (sigh) is supposed to be in the 50's this weekend so maybe we will catch up.

  4. Beautiful photos! And you've identified one of the plants we have found in our yard this spring at our new (1959) home. I've never seen the white scilla before and now I find it blooming happily amid the snowdrops, grape hyacinth, & crocus.

    Thank you!


Thank you!