Thursday, December 20, 2012

Draco who?

My Wisconsin sister emailed mid-morning to say she and two of her sons had just finished shoveling the seven inches of snow that had been dumped so far and that another seven is expected.  (Mrs. Micawber, thinking of you!) 

I haven't listened to much news the last couple of days beyond hearing we are supposed to get our first snow later today.  We have been having dreary, rainy, gloomy skies here, which is not helping my blue mood.  So I clicked over to see the Weather Channel's forecast and was surprised to find out they are naming winter storms

From the Weather Channel website
Draco sounds like an appropriate storm name - as mean and nasty as J.K. Rowling painted him.

I'll be glad for the Winter Solstice tomorrow - I'm really feeling like this week is the dark before the dawn.  My brain needs sun - luckily it's predicted for Saturday.  Come on, sun!


  1. They spelled "Gandalf" wrong! :)

    Yes, we got a LOT of snow today - it was wonderful. All the schools shut down, and my place of work also closed for the day, so I got a lot of crochet time in.

    I don't get the naming of winter storms - but somehow the mythical names seem very appropriate. Much more so than the prosaic names given to hurricanes.

    Hope you get some sun - and some snow to sparkle under the blue sky, multiplying the brightness. :)

    1. Clearly they did not know the Grammar (and Spelling) Police Captain would be watching.

  2. Oh, but snow before Christmas would be nice! Much nicer than WA rain, rain and more rain, complete with draining the basement and draining it AGAIN! LOL! Hope you get some sparkly sun!


Thank you!