Saturday, April 26, 2008

Wash Day

The view from my upstairs study.

Whoa, it's windy!

And not just from one direction, either.

Which is all very well until there comes a lull,
and then I can see that my newly strung clotheslines
need some major tightening.
We had a big rainstorm last night, so at least the grass is clean.

This is my first venture into hanging clothes to dry instead of using the dryer.
Maybe the hank of line I found in the basement isn't suitable for a clothesline -
it seems to be pretty stretchy.


  1. What could be nicer than the sight of washing blowing in the wind? It smells gorgeous afterwards - which is a bonus.

  2. How lovely! I love seeing laundry blowing in the wind. I've never understood those types of neighborhoods who ban washlines!!

  3. I have friends who hang their wash out. Sometimes I'll leave my coat outside to air out. Pretty backyard. So green.


Thank you!