Friday, December 21, 2007

Rewards for helpers

Yesterday, our church secretary put out a plea for volunteers
to help with an assortment of papers that needed to be collated, folded, labeled,
and/or mailed this morning.
The Friday folding crew, who handles the Sunday bulletins,
is typically two or three people.
But today's task included not only the Sunday services,
but also two multi-page bulletins
for the two Christmas Eve services
(complete with all prayers, readings, and hymns, instead of just referring people to the prayer book and hymnal page numbers),
the Christmas morning service, our January newsletter,
and the pledge envelope boxes to be labeled with names.

About a dozen people showed up ranging in age from high school
to well beyond eighty,
and we got the work done in less than two hours.

And got mimosas to boot.

We don't really buy into the "your reward will be in heaven" stuff
when a bottle of champagne and some o.j. is so near to hand
at the local market.

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