Saturday, April 7, 2012

Woodland bouquet

The preparation

Our early spring is now in suspended animation:
cool days, cold nights.

A favorite vase purchased in Bakewell near Nottingham
during the business meeting when I first met G.

So after zooming through utterly early spring
with temperatures in the mid-eighties,
we've slowed the pace and can enjoy the view longer.

Virginia bluebells Mertensia virginica
white bleeding heart Dicentra spectabilis 'Alba'
blue grape hyacinth Muscari armeniacum

A happy and blessed Easter to all of you
who observe and celebrate it.
And a joyful spring to all.


  1. And to you. The white Bleeding Heart is particularly lovely.

    It's a bit of a relief to have the cooler weather back - the heat was just all wrong for this time of year (although I did enjoy it). Lilacs are coming on here - at least a full month early. Perhaps they'll last longer in the cool weather.

  2. Wishing you a lovely Easter.
    Today, the sun shines here!

  3. lovely!

    and thank you for the hymns of Easter



Thank you!